Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jour 14 - La Braderie

September 3rd, Saturday

La Braderie is this huge street festival celebrated in Lille every first week of September. There's so many things going on - a marathon, 100 km of stalls (you name it food, flea market, etc), partying at night. Around 1 - 2 million people visit Lille just for the Braderie. The so called quiet town comes alive within these two days! Unfortunately, I was too scared to lugged around my camera and take pictures of what I saw. Good thing for the first day of Braderie, I was with Cam. I'm hoping she sends me those pictures right away so that I could share what I did that day!

Til then, you guys will have to wait :)

Cam invited me to have dinner with them in her dorm (along with the other JTAers in Lille). That's me and the rest of the people (not complete though). 

Foyer International, the dormitory I went to really looked like a maze. It had so many doors just to get to a certain area. I think Cam had to go through 3 or 4 different hallways just to take me to the kitchen. 

Cute! They all made an effort to make dinner. There was pizza, sandwiches, spaghetti and this tomato thingy! :)

They were also complete with different kinds of beers. Leffe and Buckler is sweet while Kronenbourg has a more malty taste.

We also had girly colorful drinks while we played Categories. We were laughing so hard because Cam would always have to drink something. Such a sabaw girl (sorry, Cam! :P Love you though!). There was this Spanish dude named Diego would even joined a few rounds of our game. Really fun night! We're hoping to have dorm hopping during our stay here. It's nice to have a little family away from home :)

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